
Tlws Aesthetics


Prior to appointment

Prior to your appointment, we will send you a consultation form to be completed and returned to us electronically.

For new clients, we will organize an initial consultation via telephone, facetime, or zoom.

All patients wishing to attend the clinic will be screened for current pyrexic illnesses, recent travel, recommendations made by the government concerning self-isolation, shielding, or quarantine.


Appointment procedure

On the day of your appointment, patients must wait in their car until authorized to enter the clinic.

Patients must wear appropriate face masks, these will be provided outside the door to collect prior to entrance.

The clinic entrance doors will be locked at all times.

Entrance to the clinic building will only be available through a staff member opening when adjudged safe to do so. Upon entering the clinic each client will have their temperature checked, and if safe to proceed, will be required to thoroughly sanitise their hands. Clients must refrain from touching any surfaces including door handles.

Additional information

Only one client at any time will be allowed to attend the clinic.

The doors will remain closed at all times.

Enhanced cleaning procedures in place which includes full room sanitization after each patient visit.

Please be aware we reserve the right to refuse entry into the clinic of anyone we feel appears to be unwell.

Any queries please send an email to